This week:
Astrological events: Full Moon- Friday, April 16
Holidays: Easter (Christian tradition)
11: Tai/Peace/ Advance
Qian/Heaven below; Kun/Earth above
Associated month: February
Opposite: 12: Pi/Darkness/ Hindrance
Inverse: 12: Pi/Darkness/ Hindrance
Mutual: 54: Gui mei/ Marrying Maiden
Nuclear: 54:/ Gui mei/ Marrying Maiden &
40: Jie/ Deliverance/ Relief
Changing Line:
36: Ming yi/ Brilliance Injured
Li/Fire below; Kun/Earth above
Associated month: October
Opposite: 6- Song/ Contention
Inverse: 35- Jing/ Proceeding Forward
Mutual: 40- Jie/ Deliverance/ Relief
King Wen Sequence/original reading:
12: Pi/ Darkness, changing line 2 to 6: Song/ Contention
More detail to come on this post, just wanted to get it up today.