Whatever your particular question is, this is good news, though there is still work to be done. This is a breakthrough moment and negative influences have been exposed and are being dissolved.

43- Guai/ Decrease: represented by the third lunar month- April; also, related to the new moon hexagram- 24- Fu/ Returning;
To eliminate in the sense of setting apart; the Wilhelm translation from the website I cast this weekly oracle is "Decrease"
Huang- “This gua signifies the rupture of an accumulation of tension in human society, like a river bursting over its banks. It is time for the righteous to eliminate the inferior forces and their influences through an act of resolution.” (348) “...evil forces are sinister and treacherous, and their schemes and intrigues should not be overlooked...” (350)
“To eliminate the evil, (which is held at bay by its defeaters- me) their evil nature should be exposed in order to gain support from the public.”
“There should be no outward animosity, but it should be done without tolerance.” (351)
The story from history related by Master Huang is the time after King Wen had defeated the Shang dynasty and was tasked with incorporating some remaining supporters of the Tyrant into his new power dynamic/structure- he made sure that the people knew who they were and the evil they were still capable of fomenting; this also set for him a task to root them out and expose them; he believed that it was best to do this without resorting to violence (which probably would have made martyrs of them), but nonetheless to be ruthless in exposing their craftiness and still present danger to society at large.
from, "The Complete I Ching, 10th Anniversary Edition" Master Alfred Huang
Other sources to compare:
Introducing a new resource- visually beautiful images and powerful interpretations, from Adele Aldridges, “I Ching Meditations”
Link to full page here
“Be clear about where you are going.
Have confidence to confront and break through all obstacles in your chosen path.
Eliminate any negativity in this process whether coming from without or within.
The struggle you face will make you stronger.
Move quickly. Trust your instincts. Make your dream real.”
43- Guai/ The ring of authority, or the Speaking Staff
LiSe- “Speaking out one’s conviction, or holding up one's dignity, can be a dangerous venture, but it is necessary for a clean and healthy heart – and it may also benefit the rest of the world.
Don’t keep still but take care. Evaluate the possibilities and if it is necessary. Avoid fighting; there are better ways that give more results. Reckon with people’s ability to understand – or their not being able to. And especially with the reactions of those in power. Nobody will benefit by your losing your head.”
Christian I Ching: on 43-
“Meanwhile Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues at Damascus, so that if he found any who belonged to the Way, men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem. Now as he was going along and approaching Damascus, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” He asked, “Who are you, Lord?”
The reply came, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. But get up and enter the city, and you will be told what you are to do.” —Acts 9:1–6
“This reading describes the conversion of Saul, who would later be known as Saint Paul. This reading occurs at the greatest point of tension. Saul had been a fundamentalist Pharisee who persecuted the early Christians without mercy. The fledgling Christian community had been under terrible stress. But then there is a breakthrough, and Saul has the most celebrated conversion experience in history.”
“There is a time…
• To celebrate the turning of the tide against the forces of darkness.
• To be grateful that ignorance is now on the wane.
• To realize that darkness cannot coexist with light; if light is to win, darkness must be completely vanquished.
• To know that darkness can only be overcome by adhering to God’s laws, the first of which is that love is the only way.
• To banish all signs of darkness in oneself before looking for the darkness in others. • To be sure that all accumulation is accompanied by distribution.
• To be guided by Wisdom as one develops one’s character.
Now is that time.”
Sessions, Roger. Wisdom's Way: The Christian I Ching (pp. 204-205). The Christian I Ching Society. Kindle Edition.