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Cyndi Clark
May 29, 2022
In Yijing Project 2022
Whatever your particular question is, this is good news, though there is still work to be done. This is a breakthrough moment and negative influences have been exposed and are being dissolved. 43- Guai/ Decrease: represented by the third lunar month- April; also, related to the new moon hexagram- 24- Fu/ Returning; To eliminate in the sense of setting apart; the Wilhelm translation from the website I cast this weekly oracle is "Decrease" Huang- “This gua signifies the rupture of an accumulation of tension in human society, like a river bursting over its banks. It is time for the righteous to eliminate the inferior forces and their influences through an act of resolution.” (348) “...evil forces are sinister and treacherous, and their schemes and intrigues should not be overlooked...” (350) “To eliminate the evil, (which is held at bay by its defeaters- me) their evil nature should be exposed in order to gain support from the public.” “There should be no outward animosity, but it should be done without tolerance.” (351) The story from history related by Master Huang is the time after King Wen had defeated the Shang dynasty and was tasked with incorporating some remaining supporters of the Tyrant into his new power dynamic/structure- he made sure that the people knew who they were and the evil they were still capable of fomenting; this also set for him a task to root them out and expose them; he believed that it was best to do this without resorting to violence (which probably would have made martyrs of them), but nonetheless to be ruthless in exposing their craftiness and still present danger to society at large. from, "The Complete I Ching, 10th Anniversary Edition" Master Alfred Huang Other sources to compare: Introducing a new resource- visually beautiful images and powerful interpretations, from Adele Aldridges, “I Ching Meditations” Link to full page here “Be clear about where you are going. Have confidence to confront and break through all obstacles in your chosen path. Eliminate any negativity in this process whether coming from without or within. The struggle you face will make you stronger. Move quickly. Trust your instincts. Make your dream real.” "Yijing-Oracle of the Moon" 43- Guai/ The ring of authority, or the Speaking Staff LiSe- “Speaking out one’s conviction, or holding up one's dignity, can be a dangerous venture, but it is necessary for a clean and healthy heart – and it may also benefit the rest of the world. Don’t keep still but take care. Evaluate the possibilities and if it is necessary. Avoid fighting; there are better ways that give more results. Reckon with people’s ability to understand – or their not being able to. And especially with the reactions of those in power. Nobody will benefit by your losing your head.” Christian I Ching: on 43- “Meanwhile Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues at Damascus, so that if he found any who belonged to the Way, men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem. Now as he was going along and approaching Damascus, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” He asked, “Who are you, Lord?” The reply came, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. But get up and enter the city, and you will be told what you are to do.” —Acts 9:1–6 “This reading describes the conversion of Saul, who would later be known as Saint Paul. This reading occurs at the greatest point of tension. Saul had been a fundamentalist Pharisee who persecuted the early Christians without mercy. The fledgling Christian community had been under terrible stress. But then there is a breakthrough, and Saul has the most celebrated conversion experience in history.” “There is a time… • To celebrate the turning of the tide against the forces of darkness. • To be grateful that ignorance is now on the wane. • To realize that darkness cannot coexist with light; if light is to win, darkness must be completely vanquished. • To know that darkness can only be overcome by adhering to God’s laws, the first of which is that love is the only way. • To banish all signs of darkness in oneself before looking for the darkness in others. • To be sure that all accumulation is accompanied by distribution. • To be guided by Wisdom as one develops one’s character. Now is that time.” Sessions, Roger. Wisdom's Way: The Christian I Ching (pp. 204-205). The Christian I Ching Society. Kindle Edition.
Cyndi Clark
May 26, 2022
In Yijing Project 2022
Somewhat out of order, but noted! Took a little writing sabbatical and didn't realize I can't reorder posts in this app- :_( These are the hexagrams cast on this week- 59-:6 Wind moves over the water Line 6: if you can pay attention and keep your distance from the danger (the position you are in at the moment) then you can avoid “calamity”. This is a warning and it is a blessing- the one it represents is actually in a pretty good spot to avoid misfortune, but should recognize this. 59 is represented by the month of July 29-Kan- darkness or danger; As Huang says, “The central theme of this gua is falling, but not drowned; in danger but not lost. Maintain your confidence; soothe your mind.” Kan represents a pit, or a pitfall, but unlike the archetypal Abyss, it is not bottomless or limitless. Line 6 is also a warning= giving in to weak character traits (i.e, a “bad” attitude”) can become a prisoner to them; you can become bound in the negativity like “cords”; eventually, this makes it impossible to escape the prison of your own making. Strive for self=awareness, understand yourself. The water element in 5 element theory represents the flowing power of knowing self, destiny, having the will to carry out your mission, and most of all the deep well of ageless, timeless Wisdom that all can draw on [through the personal inner wisdom, filtered through the wisdom of the time/space in which the person lives, and founded upon the deep Well (48) of collected and evolved wisdom of the [Dao]. 29 is represented by the Winter Solstice (the dark before the light)
Cyndi Clark
May 26, 2022
In Yijing Project 2022
No reading for this week! But- here is a nice tree and its reflection-
Cyndi Clark
May 26, 2022
In Yijing Project 2022
1-Qian/ Initiating, changing lines 1,2,3 to 12 Pi/ Hindrance Qian and Kun, Heaven and Earth, Initiating and Responding are the basis of life, the way of the Dao of Earth, or the Heavens or of Humans. According to Confucius, “Qian and Kun are the gate of I, which means that if one intends to understand the I Ching one should first understand Qian and Kun; the gate of I opens for understanding the rest of the gua.” (Huang 25). “I”, sometimes spelled “yi” can mean many things- focus, intent are two; but the name I Ching tells us something about what it means in a divination context. I Ching is “Book of Changes”; Yi jing means essentially the same thing- but the word jing is used also when referring to scriptures, or prayers, or incantations. So there is a connotation of this collection of verses being holy or divine in nature. Qian is considered the hexagram that indicates the best fortune in the Book of Changes. There are several ways to look at the bottom three lines in any gua, depending on your question- they could represent you, with the top three representing the rest of the world, or the situation you are facing (or the people, the other factors); they can represent in a work or other similar organization the underlings, with the top three meaning the leaders or bosses; or they could represent the masses (the people) in relation to political and/or social leaders. Finally, they could be the inner workings of a person’s mind (what is hidden) and the outer persona or manifestation (what is revealed). I’m sure there are numerous other ways to interpret, but that is beyond the purpose of the reading for this week. All three lower lines are changing in this reading- big things happening in the lower ranks. So, it can be seen as advice on dealing with sweeping changes. 1, line 1: Hidden dragon. Do not act. [there are things going on that can’t be seen yet; not a good time to act-too much that cannot be determined] 1, line 2: Dragon appearing in the field. It furthers one to see the great man. [the thing(s) are starting to be revealed- best to get advice from an expert about how to deal with it; or “the great man”, might be a reference to seeing the best in yourself and imagining how you might deal with it; what would you do, if all things were virtually ideal] 1, line 3: All day long the superior man is creatively active. At nightfall his mind is still beset with cares. Danger. No Blame. [mulling it over- coming up with creative solutions or ideas, but still not solving- still some worry; this may feel like a waste of time, but it’s best to err on the side of caution than dive right in] This hexagram is associated with the solar month of May. 12 Pi/ Hindrance, or Standstill some translations call this one stagnation; The conditions of the changes in the first hexagram have led to a situation where it seems no progress can be made or that “evil” people are prospering without anyone to stop them. This is often described as a kind of interference from ‘petty” people whose influence comes from greed, corruption, dishonesty, and conniving. 12, line 1- When ribbon grass is pulled up, the sod comes with it. Each according to his kind. Perseverance brings good fortune and success. Ribbon grass is a clumping type of plant- so if you pull it up, you also pull up the dirt with it. The grass and what nourishes it is all “of a kind” When trying to control the weeds, the best way to remove them is through the roots, which are stuck in the mud- it might be messy, unsightly, but it is progress. “...This gua (hexagram) is inauspicious- one must remain steadfast and upright, meaning that one should not be influenced by unfavorable surroundings and the negative opinions of others.” You might find yourself amid the grass and mud- keep to your own values in such a situation. (Huang 131) If this line changes by itself- the new hexagram is 25- Without Falsehood/ Innocence. The person at this line has dropped contention (from the second line) and remains sincere and full of integrity, which brings good fortune. 12, line 2- They bear and endure; this means good fortune for inferior people. The standstill serves to help the great man to attain success. [Inferior people can refer to the masses in a political context, or the underlings; the standstill could be a good omen for people hoping for a change for the better, if they work together. But it can also mean that some people are allowing their values to be compromised (grin and bear it) which enables petty people to keep on advancing] While the petty person’s fortune is rising, it is wise to keep to your own counsel, and not become entangled in the multitude of wrong-headed people; even if this means enduring humiliation or mistreatment for doing it. [this line alone switches the hexagram to 6- contention: “one at this place is “self-willed” and “fond of contention”. In the conflict, this person is strong, but is lower in rank and is surrounded by weak people. The person in the superior position is represented by line 5- the leader is in the correct position, as well as being personally centered and with the correct attitude. “A self-willed person cannot win the fight against a central and correct person in a superior position.” (86) The right leader is in place, so there is no use in trying to make it otherwise, especially when those around you are weak. 12, line 3: They bear shame. [There is a petty person who has been fomenting negative energy among the people- this negative influence has now become obvious, even to the people who supported him/her; they who bear the shame are the followers who refused to see the person for who he is (even though there were signs) and were enabling his dishonest ambitions.] tend to your own house; [this line, considered alone switches the hexagram to 33- Retreat. Huang says, “One at this place has already retreated from the dark forces but still attaches to the darkness. If he cannot completely keep darkness at a distance, there is distress, such as illness. The text advises it is better to stay at home and care for little things.” (285) “When inferior persons around the Tyrant of Shang were multiplying and gaining power, King Wen retreated. To retreat was a strategy of concession in order to determine the hostile intentions of such inferior persons.” (284) preserve one’s strength and bide one’s time. This hexagram is associated with the solar month of August. _________________________________________________________________ Bonus Opposite hexagram: 11 (from original reading this week; for a fuller description of Tai, see last week's reading) King Wen sequence: 2- Kun/ Responding, changing lines 1,2,3 to 11- Tai/ Advance Creative compatibility; hearing the call and leaning in; following, not taking the intiative; 2, line 1: When there is hoarfrost underfoot, solid ice is not far off. [pay attention to the signs that can sabotage your success; also, developing observational skills like this can help you understand something about right timing] Follow the signs 2, line 2: Straight, square, great. Without purpose, yet nothing remains Un furthered. [Be true to who you are, don’t focus on the “purpose”; just in being authentic, things are complete] 2, line 3: Hidden lines. One is able to remain persevering. If by chance you are in the service of a king, seek not works, but bring to completion. [Don’t look for more work than you can handle- finish the projects you are doing now; save your energy to persevere by doing this] Month of November 11, line 1- Pulling out a reed, other roots come with it. Moving forward; good fortune. [as opposed to pulling out the weeds, this very similar phrase to line one in 12 is about gaining help and support from likeminded people, especially at the beginning of a project to ensure success. 11, line 2: Embracing great rivers. Fighting a tiger with bare hands. Crossing a river with bare feet. Abandon not the remote, cliques dissolve. Obtain esteem by walking the central path. [the uncultured are impressed with those who can fight the tiger with bare hands [this is the remote- the impossible feat or the illusion of strength]. The great person prefers someone who is careful, good at planning, and at executing work that will nourish all the people in her/his charge. The superiority of acting with kindness, generosity, reliability, and resolve prevails over brute strength or brutish manners- even if those are entertaining. 11: line 3: No plain without undulation, no past without return. In hardship, being steadfast and upright: no fault. Grieve not over your sincerity and truthfulness. In inheritance there is happiness. [Being able to take the good with the bad, enduring hardship in its turn, knowing that prosperity will come when the time of hardship is over will help you sustain] Taking your cue from cultural truisms could be a good idea here. Month of February Interpretations taken into account: The Complete I Ching: 10th Anniversary Edition, Taoist Master Alfred Huang.
Cyndi Clark
May 26, 2022
In Yijing Project 2022
11- Tai/ Advance (other translations, “Peace”), changing line 2 to 36- Ming Yi/ Brilliance injured (on one of my social media feeds, someone compared 36 to the lunar eclipse, which ishappening on the 15th, Full Flower Blood Supermoon 16th) 11-Tai/ Advance “There is an ancient Chinese saying that out of the depth of misfortune, comes bliss. This bliss is tai.” (Huang, 118) The month it represents is the beginning of spring, the start of the lunar new year- February; the energy is like the spring and the promise it holds for the return and flourishing of the creative, life affirming season of the year. Tai is considered “one of the most auspicious words in the Chinese language.” (Huang, 117). The pictograph shows a character that looks like the trigram for water, Kan, flowing smoothly beneath a picture of a “great person”- “da ren”. Everything flows without obstruction is the theme and feel of this hexagram. The trigrams show that Heaven (below) and Earth (above) are moving in communion and harmony. Line 2: “Embracing great rivers, / Fighting a tiger with bare hands. / Crossing a river with bare feet. /Abandon not the remote; / Cliques dissolve. / Obtain esteem by walking on the central path.” (120) “The yin place (of the second line) bestows temperament of kindness and generosity (also virtues of the springtime/east/ liver systems in 5 element theory). In this way, one is capable of bearing with the uncultured and relying on great courage-… and advance without fear of remote places. One is able to eliminate selfishness in relationships and to act in accordance with the central way.” (123). This is combing ability with the wisdom of experience and demonstrating it- thus completing the Dao of Heaven and of Earth. 36- Ming yi/ Brilliance injured, or Darkening of the Light “ Chinese, guang is the word that refers to the brightness of a light. Ming indicates the brilliance of one’s mind, intelligence, and virtue.” (Huang, page 299) The second part of the phrase for this hexagram, “yi” has multiple meanings, but in the context of the theme, the words that fit most closely are the verb forms, “to raze”, “to exterminate”, or “to injure”. Furthering this idea, Huang continues his description, “There is a well-known Chinese maxim: tao guang yang hui, which means to hide one’s light and bide one’s time.” (ibid). When an injury of some kind has been sustained, it becomes necessary to heal from the wound until the time becomes right to be out in the open again. Otherwise, one risks more injury. The symbols in the pictograph for this hexagram include the Sun and the Moon and the character for the word, “da”, meaning great or greatness. Interesting this week, because this one starts off with a celestial event- the moon is full on the 16th, called the Flower Moon, but it is also a super blood moon (appearing much larger, or greater), and the day before features a lunar eclipse- a factual darkening of the light of the moon. The story from history is about a time when King Wen, (father of the Zhou dynasty) was imprisoned by a tyrannical leader of the Shang Dynasty. During this unfair situation, Wen was able to remain calm and survived by hiding his own intelligence. Line 2: “Second six. / Brilliance injured, / Injured in the left thigh. / Needs aid, a strong horse. / Good fortune. / The good fortune of the second six. / He acts in accordance with the principle and the situation.” (301) Looking for the right form of support being in the right mind frame to ask for and accept help when it is needed will lead to good fortune. This changing line makes the lower hexagram which is Fire, or Li transform to Qian, or Heaven. Heaven is represented sometimes as a stallion. “The Yao text says to get aid from a strong horse. The strong horse (represented by historical events) is King Wen, who rescued the people of the Shang Dynasty from the Tyrant of Shang.” (303) In line 2 for Ming yi, there is a reference to finding a horse (a vehicle on which to travel) . The horse upon which the revolution against the Shang tyrant would be launched and won. Month for Ming Yi is October. Reference: The Complete I Ching, 10th Anniversary edition, Taoist Master Alfred Huang.
Cyndi Clark
May 26, 2022
In Yijing Project 2022
48- Jing/ The Well Associated with June; Kan/ Water over Xun/ Wood/ Wind; host is top six The original pictograph for Jing shows a grid of 9 squares with a dot in the center square. (for those more in to Daoist esoterics- maybe a symbol of the magic square?) This was a reference to a type of land arrangement where the local government, or a lord of the plot operated from the center, which was also the place where the well which provided the people of a village fresh, relatively inexhaustible supply of water. The Zhou dynasty adopted this Jing land system. While the government owned the lands, they were divided into equal portions, with the landowner/local authorities in the middle and eight families given plots around it of 16.47 acres. All of the families worked to maintain the middle ground and the well and developed their own land in their spare time. A young man would be given a plot of land when he was of age and then, when he grew too old to work, he gave the land back to the community. Four plots of Jing land made up a village. Since everyone gathered around the well in the plot, it became a marketplace (of commerce, ideas, meetings) and a source of replenishment beyond water that quenches thirst. Line 2: Water is at the bottom of the well, but there is not a way to bring it up because the bucket is faulty; it leaks out and flows away Line 6: The work done in the previous hexagrams has been completed and the well which nourishes the people is operating, the water is clear and good to drink- this is like a legacy that has been laid out for the benefit of all of society. This line is the host of the hexagram, meaning it is the best placed in the series of lines. Opposite: Eradicating- 21- Shi He [Biting through the obstacles to relationship] Inverse: Exhausting- 47- Kun (previous in King Wen arr) Depletion (necessitating a renewal, replenishment, which what 48 is about) Mutual: Diversity- 38- Kui [strength in multiple perspectives brought about by a variety of individuals or cultures.] 53- Jian/ Developing Gradually Associated with February Xun/ Wood/Wind over Gen/ Mountain; host(s): Second/six// Fifth 9 Line 2 seems to correspond with line six in the original hexagram because when this line changes by itself, the resulting hexagram is 57- Xun (Wind/ Wood); the same is true of 48 changing in line 6 only. The text is about a bird (specifically, a swan) getting itself to a safe haven- a cliff where it can rest and is supported by another who appreciates the hard work it took to get to that place. “The one at the second line is an honest person who would not reap without sowing. Her work deserves his earnings. There is good fortune.” (Huang, 423) Line 6: This line seems to correspond to the second line in the original because when this line changes by itself, the resulting hexagram, as in 48, is 39- Hardship. Huang says, (424) "In Classical Chinese literature, especially in poems, swans represent hermits. The hermit is totally free from social bonds, and his dropped feathers (virtuous words and deeds) are sacred.” Daoist hermits; hardship of the life of cultivating the Dao... Opposite- Marrying Maiden- 54 (next hexagram in King Wen arrangement) Inverse- Marrying Maiden- 54- Gui Mei Mutual- Not Yet Fulfilled- 64- Wei ji Text used: The Complete I Ching, 10th Anniversary Edition by Taoist Master Alfred Huang.
Cyndi Clark
Apr 17, 2022
In Yijing Project 2022
Happy Easter!! I am hearing that today several holidays are being celebrated around the world, the first such convergence of spring celebrations in at least 30 years: Pesach, Ramadan, Vaisakhi, and Easter. May we all converge in peace, love, and understanding! Reading for this week (descriptions to follow on tomorrow): 41: Sun/Decreasing, with line 1 changing; to 4: Meng/Childhood 41: Associated month: August Commentary on the symbol: "At the foot of the mountain, There is a lake. It is an image of Decreasing. In correspondence with this, The superior person controls his anger And restrains his desire." Line 1 states: "Initial nine: Suspend one's affairs.
Hurry forward, no fault. Wigh how much one can decrease. Suspend one's own affairs and hurry forward. Uphold working in full cooperation with one mind." (Huang, page 336) 4: Associated month: February Commentary on the symbol: "A spring flows out of a mountain. The symbol of an unenlightened ignorant. In correspondence with this, The superior person makes every effort To cultivate virtue with resolute deeds." (Huang, page 68) Line 1 states: "Inital Six Enlightening an ignorant. Favorable to set examples. Operating with shackles, Going forward: humiliation. Favorable to set examples, It is to set up a norm." (ibid) Reference: Taoist Master Alfred Huang's "The Complete I Ching: 10th Anniversary Edition"
Cyndi Clark
Apr 10, 2022
April 10th through April 16th 2022: 11-Tai/Peace, changing line 2 to 36- Ming yi/ Brilliance Injured
In Yijing Project 2022
This week: Astrological events: Full Moon- Friday, April 16 Holidays: Easter (Christian tradition) 11: Tai/Peace/ Advance Qian/Heaven below; Kun/Earth above Associated month: February Opposite: 12: Pi/Darkness/ Hindrance Inverse: 12: Pi/Darkness/ Hindrance Mutual: 54: Gui mei/ Marrying Maiden Nuclear: 54:/ Gui mei/ Marrying Maiden & 40: Jie/ Deliverance/ Relief Changing Line: 2- 36: Ming yi/ Brilliance Injured Li/Fire below; Kun/Earth above Associated month: October Opposite: 6- Song/ Contention Inverse: 35- Jing/ Proceeding Forward Mutual: 40- Jie/ Deliverance/ Relief Other: King Wen Sequence/original reading: 12: Pi/ Darkness, changing line 2 to 6: Song/ Contention More detail to come on this post, just wanted to get it up today.
Cyndi Clark
Apr 05, 2022
In Yijing Project 2022
7- Shi/The Multitude; changing lines 2,3 to 15-Qian/ Humbleness (Huang 89): "To the ancients, war was evil. It should not be undertaken lightly, but only when absolutely necessary. And the purpose of military affairs should be righteous. Only a person of noble character and high prestige could take charge of military affairs." Associated Month: May 7- Earth over Water- this is an image of an underground well- a resource to sustain; other translations of the word shi call this gua "The Army", or something along that line. Huang argues that ancient China did not utilize what we call a standing army- there were not soldiers in the sense of the word we think of it, even though most people trained in martial arts to be ready in case there was a need for defense. Then, once the campaign was over, every soldier simply went back into the regular life of the multitude. A hidden army within civilian life, warriors amongst the rest-water covered by earth. 7_ line 2: a responsive commander (to the superior) receives a post, garment, and title 7_ line 3: self-willed and opinionated, a commander tries to override the superior- “the multitude takes charge”- [the inmates running the asylum] [improper to have those with too much inexperience, who are unqualified, or not fit for the task running the show] 15- Qian/ Humbleness Associated month: January 15- Earth over Mountain- a person who is not ruled by his/her ego doesn't mind not standing out among the rest 15_line 2- this represents one who values the quality of humility and it shows through her actions, which creates a harmonic and resonance all around; “when a cock crows, other cocks follow”; a natural leader 15_line 3: host- one who has an important task to do; this one is at the center of a group who depends on her and is able to both do the work and remain humble; the support of the people will eventually come to her. This is remaining humble despite great accomplishments. Opposite: 10- Lu/ Fulfillment/ Heaven over Lake: (Huang, p 111): "The main theme is that a wise man fulfills his duty as cautiously as he would tread upon a tiger's tail; then good fortune can be expected." Associated month: July 10_line 2: this line shows a person who is not in sync with the leader, but is strong and temperate; this is like a recluse who is doing the right thing and is content, without need for notoriety. 10_line 3: duty places an individual represented here in some danger, someone has misfortune, gets bitten by the tiger; this is someone exposed to this danger because of his/her service to an individual who is higher up. The misfortune indicated by this line is someone who takes a fall for someone else, like a protector taking a bullet for his leader. The transformation of this gua (changing lines 2,3) leads to 13-Tong ren/ Seeking Harmony- heaven over fire; Associated month: August; the opposite gua for Tong Ren is 7-Shi/ The multitude. King Wen grouped the hexagrams into pairs that could be looked at as stages; the odd numbered hexagram were the yang/initiating aspect of the theme and the even numbered the yin/ outcome manifest in the world. 7, shi precedes 8, bi. King Wen Paired: 8-Bi/ Union, changing lines 2,3 to 48- Jing/The Well / Replenishing 8-Water over Earth; union across oceans Associated month: May 8_line 2: inner sincerity creates an auspicious situation- loving, caring, coordinating, and corresponding- the inferior fits with the superior- inner/outer are complementary; union doesn’t come by force, but by simpatico, common values 8_line 3: either through timing or through circumstance, this is a situation where no one in the group wants to join with each other (seeking union with the wrong people). 48- Jing/The Well / Replenishing (another image of water inside the earth, but one that has to be crafted to be accessible) Associated month: June 48-Water over Wind/Wood-a popular image of a well is a man-made structure with a wooden bucket to draw on plentiful water source; many wells service whole cities as long as they are clean and the water is plentiful. "The site of the village may be moved, not the well, because the solids are in the central position." (Huang, 385) "...the only way to assure that the supply is inexhaustible is to make the best possible use of the people and resources, and let the commodities flow abundantly into the market." (ibid) 48_line 2: water can’t be drawn upward from this well (the host/line 5 does not correspond to this person), so the influence isn’t listened to; the water flow away, or dries up 48_line 3: someone at this place has everything needed to develop a good following, yet no one notices this (underestimated, ignored); most probably because it’s just not time yet or, because the leader, who would normally bestow honor and support isn’t paying attention to true talent, or is overlooking it I think of the nuclear hexagrams as the inner tension driving the phase outlined in the reading. Nuclear hexagrams: 24- Fu/ Returning; Earth over Thunder; and 40- Jie/ Relief- Thunder over Water Relief from a time of darkness; 24 is sometimes compared to the time of the new moon. 24_line 2: represents someone who has given up the dark/corrupt ways to return to the light; she has returned to the original light (represented by line 1) and this gives good fortune- going back to the beginning when all was pure, motivation came from sincerity... 24_line 3: even though there is a tendency with this one to repeatedly make the same mistakes and be in a state of unrest, because the actions lead back to the humble beginning, credit is deserved, but still the continuous vacillation between the good/light and errors can be dangerous 40- Jie/ Relief- Thunder over Water 40_line 2: three foxes- three crafty/dishonest people set out to fool the “king”; they are discovered, and the person represented by this line is able to banish them before they can do any harm by walking the middle path- the earth/gold/yellow...good fortune 40_line 3: someone who is given a position which he/she is not really fit for-people can’t honestly follow this kind of person who is obviously not qualified to fulfill the duties of their given position Okay, a hodge-podge of ideas and images, but interesting. It's hard not to draw comparison to the current war Russia/Putin has imposed upon the people and country of Ukraine.
Cyndi Clark
Mar 28, 2022
In Yijing Project 2022
24- Fu/ Returning- No changing lines Earth/ Kun above Thunder/ Zhen Commentary on image: “Thunder under Earth. An image of Turning Back. In correspondence with this, The ancient king closed the gates of the passes On the winter solstice. Traveling merchants did not travel, Nor did the king make inspection of his states.” (215) Associated with the Earth element Associated with the eleventh lunar month, December Host of the Gua: initial/bottom line Opposite: 44- Gou/ Encountering (Mutual Influence) Inverse: 23-Bo/ Falling Away (Splitting Apart) Mutual: 2- Kun/ Responding The main theme of the hexagram involves the idea of the beginning of a new cycle, which ended with the previous hexagram’s theme of falling away. Going around full circle. Some interpretations mention it’s connection to the phase of the new moon, which indeed will come during this week on Friday, April 1st. Being also associated with the month of December, when the winter solstice takes place, one can get the idea that initiating energies, or yang, begin to grow (the light returns) as the full yin condition of the dark of the moon or the dark of winter begins to diminish. [the host line, of the previous 23 was the last of the light ending, represented by the sixth nine (yang line), which has fallen, but has returned at the bottom of 24- slight, but growing] “Things cannot go beyond the extreme. When they reach the limit, they turn back to the origin. Thus, after Falling Away comes Turning Back.” (213) Decay to renewal; everlasting law of the universe, and universal truth. It is an auspicious sign, even though there may still be more time before the light is seen, but it is there, and the darkness is ebbing. This is a natural turn of events, indicating that no human efforts can stop it. {in seven days comes the return is a phrase that can indicate a week; or maybe it indicates 7 months, as from the each solstice, there is an unfolding cycle of 6 months) (216) As a piece of advice, getting this hexagram might say something about paying attention to right timing for the good fortune indicated can be experienced. Reference: Taoist Master Alfred Huang's, "The Complete I Ching: 10th Anniversary Edition".
Cyndi Clark
Mar 28, 2022
In Yijing Project 2022
This week starts with the Spring Equinox, also known as Ostara, and as Chen fen. Basics on the hexagrams: 5 – Xu/ Needing/ Nourishment Water above, Heaven below (Water element) Month: 2nd month of the lunar year- March Opposite: 35- Jing: Proceeding Forward Inverse: 6- Song: Conflict/ Contention Mutual: 38- Kui: Diversity Changing line: 1: “Initial Nine: …One in need waits in the outskirts. Do not take risks and enhance trouble. Maintaining perseverance is beneficial. No fault. Doing nothing abnormal, as usual.” (Huang, 76) Advice: Do nothing out of the ordinary to cause conflict or more trouble. Pay attention when conditions are conducive to waiting instead of forging ahead. Notes: the hexagram represents a small or initial achievement, coming as it does after the conditions/themes of beginnings and childhood. The condition is still fragile and needing caution plus patience. One needs to make sure he/she is nourished well enough to be strong before taking any kind of action. This doesn’t mean to give up, just that the development is not yet strong enough to take bold steps. “The gua suggest that under a tyrannical administration people need a change, but the situation does not allow action.” (Huang, 48). Trying to establish a proper place to make the capital, several places are discussed in the lines in terms of their suitability- 1 in the outskirts/ 2 on the beach/ 3 stuck in the mud/ 4 in a ditch/ 5 in a safe place with food and drink/ 6 waiting in a difficult place where there seems nowhere to go. 48- Jing/ Replenishing/ The Well This hexagram represents replenishing the people; further, the change from an old social order to a new one that that functions better (leading to good fortune) Water above, Wood below (Water element) Month: fifth month of the lunar year- June Opposite 21- Shi he: Eradicating/ Biting Through Inverse: 47- Kun: Exhausting Mutual: 38- Kui: Diversity Line 1: “Mud in the well, no drinking. The position is too low. Old well, no birds. As time passes, it has been deserted. “ (Huang, 384). Notes: the lines in for this gua seem, or could be seen to be about different kinds of leaders or sages- one who is: 1- stuck in old habits; 2- out of touch, water leaks out; 3- one who is wise and has virtue, but no one utilizes it or even notices his/her value; 4- one who has virtue and training, but is still not strong enough due to inexperience; 5- firm and steadfast character, is able to provide for the people; 6- this character is out of the ordinary- it’s like the ideal leader of the perfectly harmonized society/ culture where people “work in full cooperation and with unity of purpose.” (387) Advice: this would seem to be apparent- the well being tapped is no longer viable and will benefit no one. There is no use in trying to prop up the old way of doing things or to promote it. Huang states, “The situation is bad. If one in this place is not able to live in accord with the time and make adjustments, one will be deserted.” (386) sayings, “stick in the mud” and “stuck in the mud”. Also one who cannot tolerate progress; being left behind for not being able to keep up with the changes of time. Both hexagrams have 38- Diversity as a mutual gua. Diversity brings both what is needed in terms of strength and depth of a healthy society and at the same time, can be a source of conflict that can be exhausting and weakening; (biting through is often thought of as removing the obstacles of backbiting and gossip that causes the inability of people to come together, proceeding forward, and contention) all of the inverse and opposite guas. Internal guas- these are derived by recording lines 2,3,4 as bottom trigram; and lines 3,4,5 as the top trigram to produce a new hexagram for each hexagram. 5-38- Kui-Opposition (in Diversity) 48- Kui- 38 also I’ve never noticed if the original hexagram and the transformed hexagram normally have the same internal hexagram, though it seems unlikely that is the case. In the way I am looking at this reading, it’s interesting- maybe however the energies unfold and work out, no matter how we mold them, there is an internal push and pull due to the problems and potentials of diverse ways of looking at things (that’s pretty accurate for these times). Since the outcome is 48- The Well, maybe it’s the case that if we wait with patience for the structure of a society to have the qualities of care for all people in it, there will be success; but, if we do not cut away from our attachments to the old ways that have not allowed all to thrive and flourish, we will not. (Huang, 313): “When the proper way of a household comes to an end, there is surely diversity. Thus, after Household, Diversity follows.” Other interpretations suggest the ideas of estrangement (Blofeld) and Opposition (Wilhelm). Huang explains the original meaning of the word kui was “eyes do not look at each other” (not seeing eye to eye, or, people not having the same line of sight making their visions different. Also, though, the pictograph shows to marksmen with bows and arrows, back-to-back- not looking at each other, they are observing in different directions, so though their vision is not the same, they are able to observe and provide protection of a much larger field. Centripetal force holds the family together- the inner world; centrifugal force then is how diversity of persons in the family is expressed in the outer world. Fire above Lake, the middle daughter and the younger daughter, respectively, come from the same family but will marry into different families- advice about seeking harmony despite diversity of interests, viewpoints, and social position. “Fire above, Lake below. An image of Diversity. In correspondence with this, the superior person seeks common ground Ion major issues while reserving differences on minor ones.” (315) Reference: Taoist Master Alfred Huang's, "The Complete I Ching: 10th Anniversary Edition"
Cyndi Clark
Mar 13, 2022
In Yijing Project 2022
Hexagram 17 is called Sui, or Following Theme: It follows a theme of delightedness, which is the subject of hexagram 16. "Sequence of the Gua: When one is humble and full of delight, surely people will come to follow. Thus, after Delight comes Following." (Huang, 164) "Commentary on the Symbol Thunder in the midst of Lake An image of Following. In correspondence with this, The superior person withdraws for rest When the sun goes down." (166) Dui/Lake above- Zhen/Thunder below Element: Metal Associated with the second month of the lunar year, March (Third solar month) Opposite: 18- Gu/ Remedying Inverse: 18- Gu/ Remedying Mutual: 53- Jian/ Developing Gradually In a footnote of the text, Master Huang points out the the Thunder symbol, Zhen represented the rising eastern sun, and the Dui symbol represented the setting sun in the western sky. Certainly with this in mind, the message of this week's hexagram is about one thing following another, all in proper order and how natural timing of celestial bodies gives a basis for the kind of faith and trust that allows one to relax, rest, and rejuvenate. There were no changing lines for this oracle. Given world events at this time, the message seems to me to be both accurate, and hopeful. In looking at Huang's description of King Wen's history, we see he is looking to form and alliance to defeat the Shang dynasty tyrant. It took essentially three tries to build the like-minded force from among the different clans, but ultimately the effort was successful because the Zhou leadership was able to incorporate the virtuous and weed out the political opportunists and speculators (the little fellows) to create a truly strong oppositional band of warriors. To coordinate the following, King Wu (King Wen's father) held ceremonies, which were traditional ways to unite people under one purpose. Maybe the sign of the times this week is coalition and alliance building to counter the Russian government's power grab in Ukraine. We have certainly seen a coming together of support for the Ukrainian people (and to the Russian public, which is largely uninformed), which I hope holds fast and has tremendous power to turn the tide there. If we can do this in one conflict, perhaps we can do the same for all peoples who are under oppression anywhere in the world from greedy, power hungry individuals and groups that abuse, cause violence, exploit, manipulate, and otherwise do great harm to humanity and to the Earth and her beings. With the rising sun, may the word we use have the power and influence of compassion, kindness, and when appropriate, forgiveness. May we meet our fate(s) throughout each day coming from a centered, perceptive mind, and an open heart full of lovingkindness. May our thoughts, words, and deeds reflect the integrity of our true selves generating karmic benefit while transmuting harm. By the end of each day, may we know ourselves and our destinies better so we can align our wills with divine Will.
Cyndi Clark
Mar 13, 2022
In Yijing Project 2022
Text quoted taken from Master Huang's "The Complete I Ching: 10th Anniversary Edition" 1- Qian/ Heaven or InitiatingTheme- This is the most auspicious hexagram in the I Ching; pure Yang energy, unadulterated. “Commentary of the Symbol: Heaven acts with vitality and persistence. In correspondence with this the superior person keep himself vital without ceasing.” (24) Line 1:“Initial nine. Dragon lying low. Do not use. Dragon lying low, do not use, for the yang is in the lowest place.” (24) This represents the initial stage of something, when the power is not at all strong enough to affect much of anything. It’s a good time to prepare, but not a good one to act. Call on the qualities of patience and restraint. Line 4: “…Dragon lying low, do not use. His energy is lying deeply low…35” Before leaping into action, wait for the right timing. “Fourth nine: Probably leaping from an abyss. No fault. Probably leaping from an abyss, in advance there will be no fault.” (25) Here, the power has developed where an active bid can be taken, but it must be done with good timing to be successful. Time and circumstances are both conducive to successful if one doesn’t act with caution. “Commentary on the Symbol: Following the wind; an image of Proceeding Humbly. In correspondence with this, the superior person repeats the order and carries out his command.” (447) Heaven (Qian) above/ Heaven (Qian) below Metal element (in other systems, this is ether, ether, or air; the metal element in 5 Element Theory is related to the lungs, the breath, breathing, Integrity and connection to the Divine through the breath; holistic and wholesome) Associated with May (fourth month of the lunar year/ fifth solar) Opposite- 2/ Kun- Earth Inverse- 1/ Qian- Heaven Mutual- 1/ Qian-Heaven (Huang, page 30) Before the transition: One is considering making a move (line 4); consider it well, because you may not have the power behind you to pull it off and/or the timing might not be right (line 1). 57- Xun/ Wind/ Proceeding Humbly Theme- This hexagram’s advice concerns the art of gentle influence, like a soft wind that is nonetheless persistent. The changes are not instantly observable, but because it is not devastating (like the sudden thunderstorm of its opposite- 51- Zhen/ Thunder), Xun's impact promotes success and accomplishment. Interesting (to me, anyway): one of the 8 doubled hexagrams transforms to another one. Xun is located on the pre-Heaven bagua in the southwest corner, to the reader’s righthand side. The correlates with the direction of southwest. It moves to the southeast in the post heaven bagua. Line 1: vacillating causes confusion; better to decide and follow through without second guessing. Line 4: success with enough for honored guests, important ceremonies, and for self, even if the result isn’t exactly what one would feel comfortable with. Wind (Xun) above/ Wind (Xun) below Wood element (this is the power of growing things, developing things) (the breath here is like the issuance of a command- the wind of Heaven’s wishes/commands; penetrating and initiating growth) Associated with September (eight month of the lunar year/ ninth solar) Opposite- 51/ Zhen- Taking Action (sometimes called Shock) Inverse- 58/ Dui- Joyful Mutual- 38/ Kui- Diversity (sometimes called Opposition) (Huang, page 451) After the transition: With gentleness, humility (plus good aim- line 4), and decisive action (line 1), there can be a successful result.
Cyndi Clark
Mar 02, 2022
In Yijing Project 2022
February 27th through March 5th, 2022 New Moon= Wednesday, March 2nd 41/ Sun- Decreasing Changing lines 2,6 24/ Fu- Return 41/ Decreasing: Theme- how to deal with giving and receiving; also maintaining balance so that what is in excess is decreased and what is deficient is increased. Line 2: advice is about knowing or learning how to give of oneself without decreasing reserves Line 6: advice is about how to manage giving and receiving when one has more than enough; in this case, decreasing the excess to increase other’s deficiencies would do Mountain (Gen) above/ Lake (Dui) below Earth element Associated with August (seventh month of the lunar year/ eighth solar) Opposite- 31/ - Mutual Influence Inverse- 42/ Yi- Increasing Mutual- 24/ Fu- Turning Back (associated with the new moon) (Huang, page 339) 24/ Fu- Turning Back Theme is about cycles, like the lunar cycle each month. From the full moon to the new moon, it appears that the moon is losing its light, but the light returns to start the cycle again. Earth (Kun) above/ Thunder (Zhen) below Earth element Associated with December (eleventh month of the lunar year/ twelfth solar) Opposite- 44/ Guai mei- Encountering Inverse- 23/ Po- Falling Away Mutual- 2/ Kun- Responding (Huang, page 219)
Cyndi Clark
Feb 20, 2022
In Yijing Project 2022
My main source for this week's readings is the wonderful interpretation of the I Ching provided by Master Alfred Huang, "The Complete I Ching: 10th Anniversary Edition". This is a highly recommended resource for both beginners and experienced readers. For these comments, I draw mainly from this source, although I use others. I welcome your thoughts, comments and suggestions for further reading in this forum. Trigram placements: Qian/ Heaven over Zhen/ Thunder This week's reading had no changing lines. An auspicious hexagram, provided one is starting with truthfulness and sincerity. The ideograph for wu wang suggests the idea of walking away from the heavy burden of falsehood; shows a person bending under the weight of a heavy load. Accoording to Huang, (page 221): “…truthfulness is the Tao of Heaven. As a human being, one does the best one can. As for good fortune or bad fortune, blessing or calamity, events had to take their own course. One should not live in anticipation. This is the meaning of Wu Wang.” Motion (Thunder) is combined with Strength (Heaven) provide an environment that is free from falsehood making success and good fortune possible for those who don’t have ulterior, dishonest motives. This gua by itself with no changing lines has the four qualities of yuan, heng, li, and zhen- initiating, prosperity, harmony, and steadfastness (one way to interpret these words). Confucius commentary: “Movement with Strength; the firm has a central place and has a correspondent. Great prosperity and smoothness through its correctness. This is the will of Heaven.” Commentary on the symbol: (p. 222): “Under Heaven, Thunder rolls. / An image of all things accompanied by truthfulness. / In correspondence with this, / the ancient king enriches his virtue in harmony with the time / and nurtures myriad beings.” The analogy from history is King Wen’s defeat of the Shang tyrant- he was able to correct the corruption of the people laid down by the immoral Shang emperor, but in the beginning days of rebuilding after the revolution, he had no way of knowing whether his efforts would be successful because the environment was completely crooked. He had to start with the integrity of his own values , being truthful with the people, and build his new kingdom from there. Associated month: October My take on this reading (btw, just one among millions of perspectives): Truth and truthfulness never change- they are constants that people should hold to/ act from with faith and faithfulness and without counting their “chickens” too soon or projecting a particular outcome- the image used is wealth (i.e., do not strive for money). Just do the work faithfully and what will come will come. To do this is to help secure success and good fortune eventually. This principle is even better when the work being done is in service to humanity or the beings of our Earth home (fostering and nurturing the myriad things/ beings). Leaders who cannot deal honestly with themselves and the people will not succeed. Leaders who confuse their personal preferences and aversions with universal law cannot succeed. There isn’t a country on the Earth that has not had this struggle- “he who has the most toys wins” tends also to have influence over the lives of multitudes. If that one (the one with the most toys) is not operating from virtue instead of ego, disorder rules and failure is most probable. Nuclear hexagram/ mutual: 53: Jian/ Developing Gradually; Wood (Xun- Wind) over Mountain (Gen) Month=February; [inner workings happening in February that have sincerity and honesty may come to fruition in September or October?] Since this month is February, it is interesting to me to say that this is the starting point of a transformation that may come to fruition later in the year; having an attitude of gradual development would seem to be the right attitude at this time. Opposite: 46: Sheng/ Growing Upward; Earth (Kun) over Wood/Wind (Xun); Receptivity over gentle influences; Month associated: January King Wen Counterpart/ Inverse: 26: Da Xu/ Great Accumulation; Gen over Qian/ Mountain over Heaven (month September)
Cyndi Clark
Feb 16, 2022
In Yijing Project 2022
9- Xiao Xu/ Little Accumulation with changing lines 2,3,& 5 This accumulation is about cultivating what nourishes Line 2: about returning to the right path Line 3: cultivating good relationships that help one grow (like minded people) Line 5: the key to success is sharing wealth that one already has (turning little accumulation into great accumulation 27- Yi/ Nourishing The theme of this hexagram has more to do with knowing how to nourish oneself so that others may be nourished than what is proper to eat or drink (though those could apply here, too) What is your take on these hexagrams?
Cyndi Clark
Feb 07, 2022
In Yijing Project 2022
The hexagram drawn this for this week is #2- Kun/ Receptive or Receiving. It is very often called Earth, but, Master Huang explains that that is not exactly correct. It represents the "function of Earth", which is to open and allow Qian's (Heaven/Initiating) creative energy to intermingle with it. Together, as Yin and Yang energy, the movement of these two together is what began all of the life in form as we know it, according to ancient Chinese cosmology. [quote from Huang's book, "The Complete I Ching" p. 39, 10th Anniversary Edition]
Cyndi Clark
Jan 30, 2022
In Yijing Project 2022
This week's oracle reading gave us: 11- Tai/ Peace/ Advance, changing lines 1,4, and 6 to 50- Ding/ The Cauldron (interesting that hexagram 11 is associated with the first month of the lunar year, which indeed is February; 50- Ding/ Cauldron is associated with the month of July) Hex. 11- trigram placement: Kun/ Earth over Qian/ Heaven (earth supported by heaven) Huang says (p 121): "In this gua, the significance of the union of Heaven and Earth is employed to display the importance of union among people. When people communicate sincerely and truthfully, harmony is created, and things will be achieved easily and smoothly...To the Chinese, the opposite of Tai is Pi. To go from Tai (Advance) to Pi (Hindrance) or vice versa is a natural law, as is the waxing and waning of the moon. The wise prefer to live in harmony with the laws of Nature. Be content with one's fate, and never blame Heaven or others." Line 1 is about the good fortune of moving harmoniously with like minded people. Line 4 is about being sincere in your associations with humility and respect; not acting lightly (like a fluttering bird) LIne 6 is about the time of peaceful advance about to change to its opposite, indicating a new phase, or the need to be patient for the next phase to become full. Hex. 50- trigram placement: Li/ Fire over Xun/ Wind (the power of fire carried forward on the wind) Ding comes after the hexagram for Revolution, or what Huang translates as "Abolishing the Old". He explains that once a revolution had been won, the new leaders would do a ceremony using ceremonial serving dishes called Ding to establish the new order of society. The food in the ding would be served to honor the guests, the ancestors, and the Divine. "The ceremony symbolized the union of the family and the care of its members." (Huang p 398) What does this reading say to you?
Cyndi Clark
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